Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Identifying The Main Factors That Lead Increase Crime - 825 Words

The Task Involved Identifying The Main Factors That Lead To An Increase In Crime In The US (Essay Sample) Content: RISING LEVEL OF CRIME RATENameNO OF WORDS:557DateRISING LEVEL OF CRIME RATEI live in the 30th congressional district of Los Angles, Carlifonia, represented by Brad Sherman. The district has a population of close to 726,741.Females happen to dominate the population b a percentage of 50.3 as men rag behind with 49.7%.With the population comprised of different ethnic groups namely: White, Asian, and blacks, they are in percentages of 67.6%,12.8% and 4.2% respectively.With the help of our congressman, different key issues have been put on the foot front in order to deal with issues that in one way or another have to be dealt with. An increase in the level of crime has been noted. This is a major issue our endowed congressman has vowed to deal with. This has come as a result of the high crime rate recorded in the past year. Most criminal are aged as low as 18 years of age since most are school dropouts. In the past years, a steady low rate of unemployment of up to 10.1% ha s been noted.With the current cases of crime, the current rate might appreciate. School drop outs are turning into crime and drugs hence turning out to be unsociably acceptable. As per ("Why Students Drop Out"), there are different reasons as to why most of the students drop out of school. Parents do not engage or rather stay close to their children in order to monitor their progress.Apart from parent engagement, students from a family that is not economically stable have a likelihood of dropping out of school. More jobs, though casual since only a small number of people from such families would meet those types of qualifications will be created. This will help lower the levels of poverty and at least push such families to the middle bracket. Drawing our researches from different sources as (Doll, Eslami and Walters) in the search for a better solution, students should be nurtured once they are proved to be weak academically.More tutoring should be offered in order to raise their le vel of interest education wise. By way of doing this the level of crime will depreciate since the number of school drop outs will drop down steadily. Introduction of health care centers that can be also a habitat for rehabilitation centers should be another priority. Most criminals are usually under the influence of drugs. Rehabilitation centers will help reduce such cases since most of the fees will be catered for. Awareness should be raised so that families and friends with relatives or friends who are usually under the influence are helped out.Drugs increase the risk of committing social vices such as rape and murder, which comes along with crime. Crime being the main social vice affecting our district at large, our head therefore expresses his willingness to do away with it ...

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