Monday, January 6, 2020

Personal Growth Through Learning Essay - 1427 Words

I’ve made it my passion to be a life-long learner to sharpen my skills, abilities and God-given talent. When an individual doesn’t make a conscience effort to expand their minds, then they are actually making a decision to begin to digress. Being an older college student, my desire is to learn everything that I possibly can with the aid of Victory University. It was fascinating reading about Rene’ Descartes who grew up in France. Descartes was also a life-long learner. He was the thinker and writer who coined the phrase, â€Å"I think, therefore I am† (Gluck, Mercado, Myers, 2014, p. 7). Although Descartes existed during the time of the Renaissance, his theory that the eyes were significant to stimulating other parts of the body, such†¦show more content†¦Many individuals play themselves down because they are not fully aware of their capabilities. A focused and intentional person can accomplish a lot in a day if they put their minds to it. The strength of the mind with faith and belief plays a very crucial role in a successful person’s life. Dr. David Schwartz in The Magic of Thinking Big states, â€Å"Believe, really believe, you can move a mountain, and you can† (Schwartz, 1959, p. 9). My heart’s desire is to become a better student each year by applying the things that I learned previously. However, in order to do this, it is imperative that I create a plan in my schedule to focus on reading the material in advance prior to the instructor’s lecture. By doing this, I’m able to grasp the material a little easier by already being informed of the terminology and phrases that are common to that particular class. I enjoy reading; however, sometime I can view it as a chore. Nonetheless, the most productive way for me to accomplish my reading schedule is to become desensitized to by reading and studying according to my schedule. Knowing that the more that I do something like this , then the more likely it will become habit. 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