Thursday, February 27, 2020

Medieval Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Medieval Story - Essay Example The way the story is told is the clue here: Boccaccio writes this as if Pamfilo, the first of his storytellers during those ten nights, is having a great time recounting his outrageous story. In those days, everything narrated in this tale is horrific, especially the corruption of a final confession to a priest. Pamfilo made this character sound entertainingly immoral, corrupt and evil. This is the first tale, which is meant to shock the listeners and prepare them for a series of scandalous stories. And it does: ‘Pamfilos story elicited the mirth of some of the ladies and the hearty commendation of all, who listened to it with close attention until the end.’ (Boccaccio 1348) [My italics.] They really enjoyed wicked tales. The listeners laughed because the way the tale was told suggested that Ciappelletto had a great time deceiving clients, traders and all those he came in contact with: he had a corrupt but wonderful life, full of the wealth he made from devious deeds. This vindicated him in the eyes and ears of the listeners, who were there only to enjoy themselves listening to shameful tales. In those days, it was even sinful to listen to a shameful story, and poking fun at the Church was considered risquà ¨ and entertaining. It was great fun, so the more wicked Ciappelletto sounded, the more he was redeemed, according to the

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Creation of Youth Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Creation of Youth Culture - Essay Example Fashion has been considered as a cultural trend since it is associated with certain sets of groups and advances around influence. This paper, therefore, focuses on presenting how fashion is currently being used to identify certain youth culture identity. Rouse (1989) argues that fashion is about change for change sake and the illusion of novelty (Rouse, 1989, p126). By considering this argument, youths of the present generation have emerged, with a number of symbolic identities, to define a set of cultural identities. The symbolic identities are just fashions since they do not have significant meanings within the youths and their cultures. Citing a few examples, in this case, tattooing, the wearing of ornaments and masks are some of the most common fashion trends that youths currently consider identifying themselves with certain identities. Any youth is not under obligation to participate in the above practices since it is a matter of choice. This, therefore, draws a clear distinctio n between culture and fashion. Some youths may argue that tattoos make them feel adventurous while others would reason that it makes them remember a special person in their lives. Some youths also get tattoos in support of some campaign in some illness like breast cancer or some charity work. Contrary to what youths are inclined to these days, tattoos were used as a cultural scribe to churches in the olden days, which showed some signs in faith (Savage, 2007, p109). The ornaments worn by the youths, on the other hand, may signify birth dates and are given as birthday presents or those in a relationship as a sign of remembrance and love. The idea is that the ornament acts as a bond between the parties. Similarly, some ornaments symbolize authority. These are found among the people in positions of power like kings, queen, and some religious leaders. Wearing of masks has also become a common fashion identity among the youths.